Source code for dendrify.neuronmodel

import sys
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import __main__ as main
from brian2 import NeuronGroup
from brian2.units import Quantity, mV, mvolt

from .compartment import Compartment, Dendrite, Soma

[docs]class NeuronModel: """ Creates a multicompartmental neuron model by connecting individual compartments and merging their equations, parameters and custom events.This model can then be used for creating a population of neurons through Brian's :doc:`NeuronGroup <brian2:reference/brian2.groups.neurongroup.NeuronGroup>`. This class also contains useful methods for managing model properties and for automating the initialization of custom events and simulation parameters. .. tip:: Dendrify aims to facilitate the development of reduced, **few-compartmental** I&F models that help us study how key dendritic properties may affect network-level functions. It is not designed to substitute morphologically and biophysically detailed neuron models, commonly used for highly-accurate, single-cell simulations. If you are interested in the latter category of models, please see Brian's :doc:`SpatialNeuron <brian2:reference/brian2.spatialneuron.spatialneuron.SpatialNeuron>`. Parameters ---------- connections : list[tuple[Compartment, Compartment, str | Quantity]] A description of how the various compartments belonging to the same neuron model should be connected. kwargs : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, optional Kwargs are used to specify important electrophysiological properties, such as the specific capacitance or resistance. For all available options see: :class:`.EphysProperties`. Warning ------- Parameters set here affect all model compartments and can override any compartment-specific parameters. Example ------- >>> # Valid format: [*(x, y, z)], where >>> # x -> Soma or Dendrite object >>> # y -> Soma or Dendrite object other than x >>> # z -> 'half_cylinders' or 'cylinder_ + name' or brian2.nS unit >>> # (by default 'half_cylinders') >>> soma = Soma('s', ...) >>> prox = Dendrite('p', ...) >>> dist = Dendrite('d', ...) >>> connections = [(soma, prox, 15*nS), (prox, dist, 10*nS)] >>> model = NeuronModel(connections) """ # Default values for key ionic mechanisms DEFAULTS = {"E_AMPA": 0 * mV, "E_NMDA": 0 * mV, "E_GABA": -80 * mV, "E_Na": 70 * mV, "E_K": -89 * mV, "E_Ca": 136 * mV, "Mg": 1.0, "alpha": 0.062, "beta": 3.57, "gamma": 0} def __init__(self, connections: List[ Tuple[Compartment, Compartment, Union[str, Quantity]]], **kwargs): self._namespace = None self._compartments = None self._linked_neurongroup = None self._varscope = None self._extra_equations = None self._extra_params = None self._graph = None self._parse_compartments(connections) self._set_properties(**kwargs) def __str__(self): equations = self.equations.replace('\n', '\n ') if self.parameters: params_sorted = {key: self.parameters[key] for key in sorted(self.parameters)} parameters = '\n'.join([f" '{i[0]}': {i[1]}" for i in params_sorted.items()]) else: parameters = ' None' if self._extra_params: extra_params_sorted = {key: self._extra_params[key] for key in sorted(self._extra_params)} extra_params = '\n'.join([f" '{i[0]}': {i[1]}" for i in extra_params_sorted.items()]) else: extra_params = ' None' events = '\n'.join([f" '{key}': '{[key]}'" for key in ]) if else ' None' msg = (f"OBJECT TYPE:\n\n {self.__class__}\n\n" f"{'-'*45}\n\n" "PROPERTIES (type): \n\n" f"\u2192 equations (str):\n {equations}\n\n" f"\u2192 parameters (dict):\n{parameters}\n\n" f"\u2192 events (dict):\n{events}\n" f"\n{'-'*45}\n\n" f"USEFUL ATTRIBUTES:\n\n" f"\u2192 _linked_neurongroup:\n {self._linked_neurongroup}\n\n" f"\u2192 _extra_equations:\n {self._extra_equations}\n\n" f"\u2192 _extra_params:\n{extra_params}\n") return msg def _parse_compartments(self, comp_list): error_msg = ( "\nValid format: [*(x, y, z)] \n" "- x -> Soma or Dendrite object\n" "- y -> Soma or Dendrite object other than x\n" "- z -> 'half_cylinders' or 'cylinder_ + name' or brian2.nS unit\n" " (default is 'half_cylinders' if left blank)\n\n" "Example:\n" "[(comp1, comp2), (comp2, comp3, 10*nS), " "(comp3, comp4, 'cylinder_c3')]\n") self._compartments = [] self._graph = [] for comp in comp_list: pre, post = comp[0], comp[1] # Prohibit self connections if pre is post: print(f"ERROR: Cannot connect '{}' to itself.") print(error_msg) sys.exit() # Ensure that users do not use objects that make no sense if not (isinstance(pre, Compartment) and isinstance(post, Compartment)): print(f"ERROR: Unknown compartment type provided.") print(error_msg) sys.exit() # Store graph-like representation for debugging or visualization self._graph.append((, # Include all compartments in a list for easy access if pre not in self._compartments: self._compartments.append(pre) if post not in self._compartments: self._compartments.append(post) # Call the connect method from the Compartment class if len(comp) == 2: pre.connect(post) else: pre.connect(post, g=comp[2]) def _set_properties(self, cm=None, gl=None, r_axial=None, v_rest=None, scale_factor=None, spine_factor=None): for i in self._compartments: if cm and (not = cm if gl and (not = gl if r_axial and (not i._ephys_object.r_axial): i._ephys_object.r_axial = r_axial if v_rest and (not i._ephys_object.v_rest): i._ephys_object.v_rest = v_rest if scale_factor: i._ephys_object.scale_factor = scale_factor if spine_factor: if isinstance(i, Dendrite): i._ephys_object.spine_factor = spine_factor
[docs] def dspike_properties(self, channel: str = None, tau_rise: Optional[Quantity] = None, tau_fall: Optional[Quantity] = None, offset_fall: Optional[Quantity] = None, refractory: Optional[Quantity] = None): """ Allows specifying essential dSpike properties affecting all compartments. Parameters ---------- channel : str Ion channel type. Available options: ``'Na'``, ``'Ca'`` (coming soon). tau_rise : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The decay time constant of the current causing the dSpike's **depolarization** phase, by default ``None``. tau_fall : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The decay time constant of the current causing the dSpike's **repolarization** phase, by default ``None``. offset_fall : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The delay for starting the dSpike repolarization phase, by default ``None``. refractory : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` The duration of the dSpike inactive period, by default ``None``. """ # Make sure user provides a valid option: if channel not in ['Na', 'Ca']: print("Please select a valid dendritic spike type ('Na' or 'Ca')") sys.exit() # Choose param names based on user input: if channel == 'Na': dspike_params = {'refractory_Na': refractory, 'offset_Kn': offset_fall, 'tau_Na': tau_rise, 'tau_Kn': tau_fall} else: dspike_params = {'refractory_Ca': refractory, 'offset_Kc': offset_fall, 'tau_Ca': tau_rise, 'tau_Kc': tau_fall} self.add_params(dspike_params)
[docs] def add_params(self, params_dict: dict): """ Allows specifying extra/custom parameters. Parameters ---------- params_dict : dict A dictionary of parameters. """ if not self._extra_params: self._extra_params = {} self._extra_params.update(params_dict)
[docs] def add_equations(self, eqs: str): """ Allows adding custom equations. Parameters ---------- eqs : str A string of Brian-compatible equations. """ if not self._extra_equations: self._extra_equations = f"{eqs}" else: self._extra_equations += f"\n{eqs}"
def _set_rest(self, verbose=False): """ Creates and runs executable code that initialises V rest across all NeuronModel _compartments. """ command = '{0}.V_{1} = {2}' # When model parameters are passed as dict to the NeuronGroup: if self._namespace: commands = [command.format(self._linked_neurongroup[0],, repr(self._namespace['EL_'])) for i in self._compartments] executable = '\n'.join(commands) if verbose: print(executable) exec(executable, self._varscope) def _handle_events(self, verbose=False): """ Creates and runs executable code that: a) Initializes custom event checkpoint variables. b) Specifies what happens during custom events. """ ng_name = self._linked_neurongroup[0] # Find all active _compartments: active_comps = [i for i in self._compartments if i._events] if active_comps == []: if verbose: print("\n<No custom events found>") return # Na spike vs Ca spike branches comps_Na = filter(lambda x: '_I_Na_' in x.event_actions, active_comps) comps_Ca = filter(lambda x: '_I_Ca_' in x.event_actions, active_comps) # Initial compditions for the custom events needed for dspikes: checks_Na = ('{0}.allow_I_Na_{1} = True \n' '{0}.allow_I_Kn_{1} = False') checks_Ca = ('{0}.allow_I_Ca_{1} = True \n' '{0}.allow_I_Kc_{1} = False') # Compartment specific initial compditions: checks_Na_comp = [checks_Na.format(ng_name, for i in comps_Na] checks_Ca_comp = [checks_Ca.format(ng_name, for i in comps_Ca] # All initial compditions and actions needed for dspikes: all_checks = checks_Na_comp + checks_Ca_comp all_actions = [i.event_actions for i in active_comps] # Megrge all actions and checks into a single string: commands = '\n'.join(all_checks + all_actions) executable = commands.replace('run_on_event', f'{ng_name}.run_on_event') if verbose: print(executable) exec(executable, self._varscope)
[docs] def as_graph(self, fontsize: int = 10, fontcolor: str = 'white', scale_nodes: float = 1, color_soma: str = '#4C6C92', color_dendrites: str = '#A7361C', alpha: float = 1, scale_edges: float = 1, seed: Optional[int] = None): """ Plots a graph-like representation of a NeuronModel using the :doc:`Graph <networkx:reference/classes/graph>` class and the :doc:`Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm <networkx:reference/generated/networkx.drawing.layout.spring_layout>` from `Networkx <>`_. Parameters ---------- fontsize : int, optional The size in pt of each node's name, by default ``10``. fontcolor : str, optional The color of each node's name, by default ``'white'``. scale_nodes : float, optional Percentage change in node size, by default ``1``. color_soma : str, optional Somatic node color, by default ``'#4C6C92'``. color_dendrites : str, optional Dendritic nodes color, by default ``'#A7361C'``. alpha : float, optional Nodes color opacity, by default ``1``. scale_edges : float, optional The percentage change in edges length, by default ``1``. seed : int, optional Set the random state for deterministic node layouts, by default ``None``. . """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx # Separate soma from dendrites soma, dendrites = [], [] for comp in self._compartments: target = soma if isinstance(comp, Soma) else dendrites target.append( # Make graph G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(self._graph) # Visualize it fig, ax = plt.subplots() for d in ['right', 'top', 'left', 'bottom']: ax.spines[d].set_visible(False) pos = nx.spring_layout(G, fixed=soma, pos={soma[0]: (0, 0)}, k=0.05*scale_edges, iterations=100, seed=seed) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=dendrites, node_color=color_dendrites, node_size=1200*scale_nodes, margins=0.1, ax=ax, alpha=alpha) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, nodelist=soma, node_color=color_soma, node_size=1200*scale_nodes, ax=ax, alpha=alpha) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, alpha=0.5, width=1, ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, ax=ax, font_color=fontcolor, font_size=fontsize) ax.set_title('Model graph', weight='bold') fig.tight_layout()
@property def equations(self) -> str: """ Merges all compartments' equations into a single string. Returns ------- str All model equations. """ all_eqs = [i._equations for i in self._compartments] if self._extra_equations: all_eqs.append(self._extra_equations) return '\n\n'.join(all_eqs) @property def parameters(self) -> dict: """ Merges all compartments' parameters into a dictionary. Returns ------- dict All model parameters. """ d = {} for i in self._compartments: d.update(i.parameters) d.update(self.DEFAULTS) if self._extra_params: d.update(self._extra_params) return d @property def events(self) -> dict: """ Organizes all custom events for dendritic spiking into a dictionary. Returns ------- dict All model custom events for dendritic spiking. """ d_out = {} all_events = [i._events for i in self._compartments if i._events and isinstance(i, Dendrite)] for d in all_events: d_out.update(d) return d_out @property def event_actions(self) -> list: """ Creates a list of all event actions for dendritic spiking. Returns ------- list All event actions for dendritic spiking """ all_actions = [i._event_actions for i in self._compartments if i._event_actions and isinstance(i, Dendrite)] return all_actions