Source code for dendrify.compartment

This module defines the classes for different types of compartments in a neuron

The `Compartment` class is a base class that provides the basic functionality for
a single compartment. It handles all differential equations and parameters needed
to describe a single compartment and any currents passing through it.

The `Soma` and `Dendrite` classes inherit from the `Compartment` class and represent
specific types of compartments.

    Compartment: Represents a single compartment in a neuron model.
    Soma: Represents the somatic compartment in a neuron model.
    Dendrite: Represents a dendritic compartment in a neuron model.

from __future__ import annotations

import pprint as pp
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from brian2 import defaultclock
from brian2.core.functions import timestep
from brian2.units import Quantity, ms, pA

from .ephysproperties import EphysProperties
from .equations import library
from .utils import (DimensionlessCompartmentError, DuplicateEquationsError,

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class Compartment: """ A class that automatically generates and handles all differential equations and parameters needed to describe a single compartment and any currents (synaptic, dendritic, noise) passing through it. Parameters ---------- name : str A unique name used to tag compartment-specific equations and parameters. It is also used to distinguish the various compartments belonging to the same :class:`.NeuronModel`. model : str, optional A keyword for accessing Dendrify's library models. Custom models can also be provided but they should be in the same formattable structure as the library models. Available options: ``'passive'`` (default), ``'adaptiveIF'``, ``'leakyIF'``, ``'adex'``. length : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's length. diameter : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's diameter. cm : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific capacitance (usually μF / cm^2). gl : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific leakage conductance (usually μS / cm^2). cm_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute capacitance (usually pF). gl_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute leakage conductance (usually nS). r_axial : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Axial resistance (usually Ohm * cm). v_rest : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Resting membrane voltage. scale_factor : float, optional A global area scale factor, by default ``1.0``. spine_factor : float, optional A dendritic area scale factor to account for spines, by default ``1.0``. Examples -------- >>> # specifying equations only: >>> compX = Compartment('nameX', 'leakyIF') >>> # specifying equations and ephys properties: >>> compY = Compartment('nameY', 'adaptiveIF', length=100*um, diameter=1*um, >>> cm=1*uF/(cm**2), gl=50*uS/(cm**2)) >>> # specifying equations and absolute ephys properties: >>> compY = Compartment('nameZ', 'adaptiveIF', cm_abs=100*pF, gl_abs=20*nS) """ def __init__( self, name: str, model: str = 'passive', length: Optional[Quantity] = None, diameter: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, r_axial: Optional[Quantity] = None, v_rest: Optional[Quantity] = None, scale_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0, spine_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0 ): = name self._equations = None self._params = None self._connections = None self._synapses = None # Add membrane equations: self._add_equations(model) # Keep track of electrophysiological properties: self._ephys_object = EphysProperties(, length=length, diameter=diameter, cm=cm, gl=gl, cm_abs=cm_abs, gl_abs=gl_abs, r_axial=r_axial, v_rest=v_rest, scale_factor=scale_factor, spine_factor=spine_factor ) def __str__(self): equations = self.equations parameters = pp.pformat(self.parameters) user = pp.pformat(self._ephys_object.__dict__) txt = (f"\nOBJECT\n{6*'-'}\n{self.__class__}\n\n\n" f"EQUATIONS\n{9*'-'}\n{equations}\n\n\n" f"PARAMETERS\n{10*'-'}\n{parameters}\n\n\n" f"USER PARAMETERS\n{15*'-'}\n{user}") return txt def _add_equations(self, model: str): """ Adds equations to a compartment. Parameters ---------- model : str """ # Pick a model template or provide a custom model: if model in library: self._equations = library[model].format('_' else: logger.warning(("The model you provided is not found. The default " "'passive' membrane model will be used instead.")) self._equations = library['passive'].format('_'
[docs] def connect(self, other: Compartment, g: Union[Quantity, str] = 'half_cylinders'): """ Connects two compartments (electrical coupling). Parameters ---------- other : Compartment Another compartment. g : str or :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, optional The coupling conductance. It can be set explicitly or calculated automatically (provided all necessary parameters exist). Available options: ``'half_cylinders'`` (default), ``'cylinder_<compartment name>'``. Warning ------- The automatic approaches require that both compartments to be connected have specified **length**, **diameter** and **axial resistance**. Examples -------- >>> compX, compY = Compartment('x', **kwargs), Compartment('y', **kwargs) >>> # explicit approach: >>> compX.connect(compY, g=10*nS) >>> # half cylinders (default): >>> compX.connect(compY) >>> # cylinder of one compartment: >>> compX.connect(compY, g='cylinder_x') """ # Prohibit connecting compartments with the same name if == raise ValueError( "Cannot connect compartments with the same name.\n") if (self.dimensionless or other.dimensionless) and isinstance(g, str): raise DimensionlessCompartmentError( ("Cannot automatically calculate the coupling \nconductance of " "dimensionless compartments. To resolve this error, perform\n" "one of the following:\n\n" f"1. Provide [length, diameter, r_axial] for both '{}'" f" and '{}'.\n\n" f"2. Turn both compartment into dimensionless by providing only" " values for \n [cm_abs, gl_abs] and then connect them using " "an exact coupling conductance." ) ) # Current from Comp2 -> Comp1 forward_current = 'I_{1}_{0} = (V_{1}-V_{0}) * g_{1}_{0} :amp'.format(, # Current from Comp1 -> Comp2 backward_current = 'I_{0}_{1} = (V_{0}-V_{1}) * g_{0}_{1} :amp'.format(, # Add them to their respective compartments: self._equations += '\n'+forward_current other._equations += '\n'+backward_current # Include them to the I variable (I_ext -> Inj + new_current): self_change = f'= I_ext_{}' other_change = f'= I_ext_{}' self._equations = self._equations.replace( self_change, self_change + ' + ' + forward_current.split('=')[0]) other._equations = other._equations.replace( other_change, other_change + ' + ' + backward_current.split('=')[0]) # add them to connected comps if not self._connections: self._connections = [] if not other._connections: other._connections = [] g_to_self = f'g_{}_{}' g_to_other = f'g_{}_{}' # when g is specified by user if isinstance(g, Quantity): self._connections.append((g_to_self, 'user', g)) other._connections.append((g_to_other, 'user', g)) # when g is a string elif isinstance(g, str): if g == 'half_cylinders': self._connections.append((g_to_self, g, other._ephys_object)) other._connections.append((g_to_other, g, self._ephys_object)) elif g.split('_')[0] == "cylinder": ctype, name = g.split('_') comp = self if == name else other self._connections.append( (g_to_self, ctype, comp._ephys_object)) other._connections.append( (g_to_other, ctype, comp._ephys_object)) else: raise ValueError( "Please provide a valid conductance option." )
[docs] def synapse(self, channel: str, tag: str, g: Optional[Quantity] = None, t_rise: Optional[Quantity] = None, t_decay: Optional[Quantity] = None, scale_g: bool = False): """ Adds synaptic currents equations and parameters. When only the decay time constant ``t_decay`` is provided, the synaptic model assumes an instantaneous rise of the synaptic conductance followed by an exponential decay. When both the rise ``t_rise`` and decay ``t_decay`` constants are provided, synapses are modelled as a sum of two exponentials. For more information see: `Modeling Synapses by Arnd Roth & Mark C. W. van Rossum <>`_ Parameters ---------- channel : str Synaptic channel type. Available options: ``'AMPA'``, ``'NMDA'``, ``'GABA'``. tag : str A unique name to distinguish synapses of the same type. g : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` Maximum synaptic conductance t_rise : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` Rise time constant t_decay : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` Decay time constant scale_g : bool, optional Option to add a normalization factor to scale the maximum conductance at 1 when synapses are modelled as a difference of exponentials (have both rise and decay kinetics), by default ``False``. Examples -------- >>> comp = Compartment('comp') >>> # adding an AMPA synapse with instant rise & exponential decay: >>> comp.synapse('AMPA', tag='X', g=1*nS, t_decay=5*ms) >>> # same channel, different conductance & source: >>> comp.synapse('AMPA', tag='Y', g=2*nS, t_decay=5*ms) >>> # different channel with both rise & decay kinetics: >>> comp.synapse('NMDA', tag='X' g=1*nS, t_rise=5*ms, t_decay=50*ms) """ synapse_id = "_".join([channel, tag,]) if self._synapses: # Check if this synapse already exists if synapse_id in self._synapses: raise DuplicateEquationsError( f"The equations of '{channel}_{tag}' have already been " f"added to '{}'. \nPlease use a different " f"combination of [channel, tag] when calling the synapse() " "method \nmultiple times on a single compartment. You might" " also see this error if you are using \nJupyter/iPython " "which store variable values in memory. Try cleaning all " "variables or \nrestart the kernel before running your " "code. If this problem persists, please report it \n" "by creating a new issue here: " "" ) else: self._synapses = [] # Switch to rise/decay equations if t_rise & t_decay are provided key = f"{channel}_rd" if all([t_rise, t_decay]) else channel current_name = f'I_{channel}_{tag}_{}' current_eqs = library[key].format(, tag) to_replace = f'= I_ext_{}' self._equations = self._equations.replace( to_replace, f'{to_replace} + {current_name}' ) self._equations += '\n'+current_eqs if not self._params: self._params = {} weight = f"w_{channel}_{tag}_{}" self._params[weight] = 1.0 # If user provides a value for g, then add it to _params if g: self._params[f'g_{channel}_{tag}_{}'] = g if t_rise: self._params[f't_{channel}_rise_{tag}_{}'] = t_rise if t_decay: self._params[f't_{channel}_decay_{tag}_{}'] = t_decay if scale_g: if all([t_rise, t_decay, g]): norm_factor = Compartment.g_norm_factor(t_rise, t_decay) self._params[f'g_{channel}_{tag}_{}'] *= norm_factor self._synapses.append(synapse_id)
[docs] def noise(self, tau: Quantity = 20*ms, sigma: Quantity = 1*pA, mean: Quantity = 0*pA): """ Adds a stochastic noise current. For more information see the Noise section: of :doc:`brian2:user/models` Parameters ---------- tau : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, optional Time constant of the Gaussian noise, by default ``20*ms`` sigma : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, optional Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise, by default ``3*pA`` mean : :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity`, optional Mean of the Gaussian noise, by default ``0*pA`` """ noise_current = f'I_noise_{}' if noise_current in self.equations: raise DuplicateEquationsError( f"The equations of '{noise_current}' have already been " f"added to '{}'. \nYou might be seeing this error if " "you are using Jupyter/iPython " "which store variable values \nin memory. Try cleaning all " "variables or restart the kernel before running your " "code. If this \nproblem persists, please report it " "by creating a new issue here:\n" "" ) noise_eqs = library['noise'].format( to_change = f'= I_ext_{}' self._equations = self._equations.replace( to_change, f'{to_change} + {noise_current}' ) self._equations += '\n'+noise_eqs # Add _params: if not self._params: self._params = {} self._params[f'tau_noise_{}'] = tau self._params[f'sigma_noise_{}'] = sigma self._params[f'mean_noise_{}'] = mean
@property def parameters(self) -> dict: """ Returns all the parameters that have been generated for a single compartment. Returns ------- dict """ d_out = {} for i in [self._params, self._g_couples]: if i: d_out.update(i) if self._ephys_object: d_out.update(self._ephys_object.parameters) return d_out @property def area(self) -> Quantity: """ Returns a compartment's surface area (open cylinder) based on its length and diameter. Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ return self._ephys_object.area @property def capacitance(self) -> Quantity: """ Returns a compartment's absolute capacitance. Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ return self._ephys_object.capacitance @property def g_leakage(self) -> Quantity: """ A compartment's absolute leakage conductance. Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ return self._ephys_object.g_leakage @property def equations(self) -> str: """ Returns all differential equations that describe a single compartment and the mechanisms that have been added to it. Returns ------- str """ return self._equations @property def _g_couples(self) -> Union[dict, None]: # If not _connections have been specified yet if not self._connections: return None d_out = {} for i in self._connections: # If ephys objects are not created yet if not i[2]: return None name, ctype, helper_ephys = i[0], i[1], i[2] if ctype == 'half_cylinders': value = EphysProperties.g_couple( self._ephys_object, helper_ephys) elif ctype == 'cylinder': value = helper_ephys.g_cylinder elif ctype == 'user': value = helper_ephys d_out[name] = value return d_out
[docs] @staticmethod def g_norm_factor(t_rise: Quantity, t_decay: Quantity): """ Calculates the normalization factor for synaptic conductance with t_rise and t_decay kinetics. Parameters: t_rise (Quantity): The rise time of the function. t_decay (Quantity): The decay time of the function. Returns: float: The normalization factor for the g function. """ t_peak = (t_decay*t_rise / (t_decay-t_rise)) * np.log(t_decay/t_rise) factor = (((t_decay*t_rise) / (t_decay-t_rise)) * (-np.exp(-t_peak/t_rise) + np.exp(-t_peak/t_decay)) / ms) return 1/factor
@property def dimensionless(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a compartment has been flagged as dimensionless. Returns ------- bool """ return bool(self._ephys_object._dimensionless)
[docs] class Soma(Compartment): """ A class representing a somatic compartment in a neuron model. This class automatically generates and handles all differential equations and parameters needed to describe a somatic compartment and any currents (synaptic, dendritic, noise) passing through it. .. seealso:: Soma acts as a wrapper for Compartment with slight changes to account for certain somatic properties. For a full list of its methods and attributes, please see: :class:`.Compartment`. Parameters ---------- name : str A unique name used to tag compartment-specific equations and parameters. It is also used to distinguish the various compartments belonging to the same :class:`.NeuronModel`. model : str, optional A keyword for accessing Dendrify's library models. Custom models can also be provided but they should be in the same formattable structure as the library models. Available options: ``'leakyIF'`` (default), ``'adaptiveIF'``, ``'adex'``. length : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's length. diameter : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's diameter. cm : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific capacitance (usually μF / cm^2). gl : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific leakage conductance (usually μS / cm^2). cm_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute capacitance (usually pF). gl_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute leakage conductance (usually nS). r_axial : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Axial resistance (usually Ohm * cm). v_rest : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Resting membrane voltage. scale_factor : float, optional A global area scale factor, by default ``1.0``. spine_factor : float, optional A dendritic area scale factor to account for spines, by default ``1.0``. Examples -------- >>> # specifying equations only: >>> compX = Soma('nameX', 'leakyIF') >>> # specifying equations and ephys properties: >>> compY = Soma('nameY', 'adaptiveIF', length=100*um, diameter=1*um, >>> cm=1*uF/(cm**2), gl=50*uS/(cm**2)) >>> # specifying equations and absolute ephys properties: >>> compY = Soma('nameZ', 'adaptiveIF', cm_abs=100*pF, gl_abs=20*nS) """ def __init__( self, name: str, model: str = 'leakyIF', length: Optional[Quantity] = None, diameter: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, r_axial: Optional[Quantity] = None, v_rest: Optional[Quantity] = None, scale_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0, spine_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0 ): super().__init__( name=name, model=model, length=length, diameter=diameter, cm=cm, gl=gl, cm_abs=cm_abs, gl_abs=gl_abs, r_axial=r_axial, v_rest=v_rest, scale_factor=scale_factor, spine_factor=spine_factor )
[docs] class Dendrite(Compartment): """ A class that automatically generates and handles all differential equations and parameters needed to describe a dendritic compartment, its active mechanisms, and any currents (synaptic, dendritic, ionic, noise) passing through it. .. seealso:: Dendrite inherits all the methods and attributes of its parent class :class:`.Compartment`. For a complete list, please refer to the documentation of the latter. Parameters ---------- name : str A unique name used to tag compartment-specific equations and parameters. It is also used to distinguish the various compartments belonging to the same :class:`.NeuronModel`. model : str, optional A keyword for accessing Dendrify's library models. Dendritic compartments are by default set to ``'passive'``. length : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's length. diameter : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's diameter. cm : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific capacitance (usually μF / cm^2). gl : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific leakage conductance (usually μS / cm^2). cm_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute capacitance (usually pF). gl_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute leakage conductance (usually nS). r_axial : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Axial resistance (usually Ohm * cm). v_rest : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Resting membrane voltage. scale_factor : float, optional A global area scale factor, by default ``1.0``. spine_factor : float, optional A dendritic area scale factor to account for spines, by default ``1.0``. Examples -------- >>> # specifying equations only: >>> compX = Dendrite('nameX') >>> # specifying equations and ephys properties: >>> compY = Dendrite('nameY', length=100*um, diameter=1*um, >>> cm=1*uF/(cm**2), gl=50*uS/(cm**2)) >>> # specifying equations and absolute ephys properties: >>> compY = Dendrite('nameZ', cm_abs=100*pF, gl_abs=20*nS) """ def __init__( self, name: str, model: str = 'passive', length: Optional[Quantity] = None, diameter: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, r_axial: Optional[Quantity] = None, v_rest: Optional[Quantity] = None, scale_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0, spine_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0 ): super().__init__( name=name, model=model, length=length, diameter=diameter, cm=cm, gl=gl, cm_abs=cm_abs, gl_abs=gl_abs, r_axial=r_axial, v_rest=v_rest, scale_factor=scale_factor, spine_factor=spine_factor ) self._events = None self._event_actions = None self._dspike_params = None def __str__(self): equations = self.equations parameters = pp.pformat(self.parameters) events = pp.pformat(, width=120) event_names = pp.pformat(self.event_names) user = self._ephys_object.__dict__ user_clean = pp.pformat({k: v for k, v in user.items() if v}) txt = (f"\nOBJECT\n{6*'-'}\n{self.__class__}\n\n\n" f"EQUATIONS\n{9*'-'}\n{equations}\n\n\n" f"PARAMETERS\n{10*'-'}\n{parameters}\n\n\n" f"EVENTS\n{6*'-'}\n{event_names}\n\n\n" f"EVENT CONDITIONS\n{16*'-'}\n{events}\n\n\n" f"USER PARAMETERS\n{15*'-'}\n{user_clean}") return txt
[docs] def dspikes(self, name: str, threshold: Optional[Quantity] = None, g_rise: Optional[Quantity] = None, g_fall: Optional[Quantity] = None, duration_rise: Optional[Quantity] = None, duration_fall: Optional[Quantity] = None, reversal_rise: Union[Quantity, str, None] = None, reversal_fall: Union[Quantity, str, None] = None, offset_fall: Optional[Quantity] = None, refractory: Optional[Quantity] = None ): """ Adds the ionic mechanisms and parameters needed for dendritic spiking. Under the hood, this method creates the equations, conditions and actions to take advantage of Brian's custom events. dSpikes are generated through the sequential activation of a positive (sodium or calcium-like) and a negative current (potassium-like current) when a specified dSpike threshold is crossed. .. hint:: The dendritic spiking mechanism as implemented here has three distinct phases. **INACTIVE PHASE:**\n When the dendritic voltage is subthreshold OR the simulation step is within the refractory period. dSpikes cannot be generated during this phase. **RISE PHASE:**\n When the dendritic voltage crosses the dSpike threshold AND the refractory period has elapsed. This triggers the instant activation of a positive current that is deactivated after a specified amount of time (``duration_rise``). Also a new refractory period begins. **FALL PHASE:**\n This phase starts automatically with a delay (``offset_fall``) after the dSpike threshold is crossed. A negative current is activated instantly and then is deactivated after a specified amount of time (``duration_fall``). Parameters ---------- name : str A unique name to describe a single dSpike type. threshold : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The membrane voltage threshold for dendritic spiking. g_rise : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The max conductance of the channel that is activated during the rise (depolarization phase). g_fall : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The max conductance of the channel that is activated during the fall (repolarization phase). duration_rise : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The duration of g_rise staying open. duration_fall : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The duration of g_fall staying open. reversal_rise : (~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, str), optional The reversal potential of the channel that is activated during the rise (depolarization) phase. reversal_fall : (~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, str), optional The reversal potential of the channel that is activated during the fall (repolarization) phase. offset_fall : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The delay for the activation of g_rise. refractory : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional The time interval required before dSpike can be activated again. """ # The following code creates all necessary equations for dspikes: comp = event_id = f"{name}_{comp}" event_name = f"spike_{event_id}" if self._events: # Check if this event already exists if event_name in self._events: raise DuplicateEquationsError( f"The equations for '{event_name}' have already been " f"added to '{}'. \nPlease use a different " f"[name] when adding multiple dSpike mechanisms to " " a single compartment. \nYou might" " also see this error if you are using Jupyter/iPython " "which store variable values in \nmemory. Try cleaning all " "variables or restart the kernel before running your " "code. If this \nproblem persists, please report it " "by creating a new issue here: \n" "" ) else: self._events = {} dspike_currents = f"I_rise_{event_id} + I_fall_{event_id}" # Both currents take into account the reversal potential of Na/K current_rise_eqs = f"I_rise_{event_id} = g_rise_{event_id} * (E_rise_{name}-V_{comp}) :amp" current_fall_eqs = f"I_fall_{event_id} = g_fall_{event_id} * (E_fall_{name}-V_{comp}) :amp" # Ion conductances g_rise_eqs = ( f"g_rise_{event_id} = " f"g_rise_max_{event_id} * " f"int(t_in_timesteps <= spiketime_{event_id} + duration_rise_{event_id}) * " f"gate_{event_id} " ":siemens" ) g_fall_eqs = ( f"g_fall_{event_id} = " f"g_fall_max_{event_id} * " f"int(t_in_timesteps <= spiketime_{event_id} + offset_fall_{event_id} + duration_fall_{event_id}) * " f"int(t_in_timesteps >= spiketime_{event_id} + offset_fall_{event_id}) * " f"gate_{event_id} " ":siemens" ) spiketime = f'spiketime_{event_id} :1' # in units of timestep gate = f'gate_{event_id} :1' # zero or one # Add equations to a compartment to_replace = f'= I_ext_{comp}' self._equations = self._equations.replace( to_replace, f'{to_replace} + {dspike_currents}' ) self._equations += '\n'.join(['', current_rise_eqs, current_fall_eqs, g_rise_eqs, g_fall_eqs, spiketime, gate] ) # Create and add custom dspike event event_name = f"spike_{event_id}" condition = (f"V_{comp} >= Vth_{event_id} and " f"t_in_timesteps >= spiketime_{event_id} + refractory_{event_id} * gate_{event_id}" ) self._events[event_name] = condition # Specify what is going to happen inside run_on_event() action = {f"spike_{event_id}": f"spiketime_{event_id} = t_in_timesteps; gate_{event_id} = 1"} if not self._event_actions: self._event_actions = action else: self._event_actions.update(action) # Include params needed if not self._dspike_params: self._dspike_params = {} dt = defaultclock.dt params = [ threshold, g_rise, g_fall, self._ionic_param(reversal_rise), self._ionic_param(reversal_fall), self._timestep(duration_rise, dt), self._timestep(duration_fall, dt), self._timestep(offset_fall, dt), self._timestep(refractory, dt)] variables = [ f"Vth_{event_id}", f"g_rise_max_{event_id}", f"g_fall_max_{event_id}", f"E_rise_{name}", f"E_fall_{name}", f"duration_rise_{event_id}", f"duration_fall_{event_id}", f"offset_fall_{event_id}", f"refractory_{event_id}"] d = dict(zip(variables, params)) self._dspike_params[event_id] = d
def _timestep(self, param: Union[Quantity, None], dt ) -> Union[int, None]: if not param: return None if isinstance(param, Quantity): return timestep(param, dt) raise ValueError( f"Please provide a valid time parameter for '{}'." ) def _ionic_param(self, param: Union[str, Quantity, None], ) -> Union[Quantity, None]: default_params = EphysProperties.DEFAULT_PARAMS valid_params = {k: v for k, v in default_params.items() if k[0] == 'E'} if not param: return None if isinstance(param, Quantity): return param if isinstance(param, str): try: return default_params[param] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Please provide a valid ionic parameter for '{}'." " Available options:\n" f"{pp.pformat(valid_params)}" ) else: raise ValueError( f"Please provide a valid ionic parameter for '{}'." " Available options:\n" f"{pp.pformat(valid_params)}" ) @property def parameters(self) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary of all parameters that have been generated for a single compartment. Returns ------- dict """ d_out = {} for i in [self._params, self._g_couples]: if i: d_out.update(i) if self._dspike_params: for d in self._dspike_params.values(): d_out.update(d) if self._ephys_object: d_out.update(self._ephys_object.parameters) return d_out @property def events(self) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary of all dSpike events created for a single dendrite. Returns ------- dict Keys: event names, values: events conditions. """ return self._events if self._events else {} @property def event_names(self) -> list: """ Returns a list of all dSpike event names created for a single dendrite. Returns ------- list """ if not self._events: return [] return list(self._events.keys())