Source code for dendrify.ephysproperties

This module contains the EphysProperties class which is used for calculating
various important ephys properties for a single compartment. It
also contains utility functions to get and update the default ephys

    EphysProperties: A class for calculating various important ephys
                     properties for a single compartment.

    default_params() -> dict: Returns the default ephys parameters.
    update_default_params(params: dict) -> None: Updates the default ephys parameters.

from __future__ import annotations

import pprint as pp
from math import pi
from typing import Optional

from brian2.units import Quantity, mV

from .utils import DimensionlessCompartmentError, get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def default_params() -> dict:
    Returns the default ephys parameters.

    return EphysProperties.DEFAULT_PARAMS

def update_default_params(params: dict) -> None:
    Updates the default ephys parameters.

    params : dict
        A dictionary of ionic parameters

[docs] class EphysProperties: """ A class for calculating various important electrophysiological properties for a single compartment. Note ---- An EphysProperties object is automatically created and linked to a single compartment during the initialization of the latter. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional A compartment's name. length : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's length. diameter : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional A compartment's diameter. cm : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific capacitance (usually μF / cm^2). gl : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Specific leakage conductance (usually μS / cm^2). cm_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute capacitance (usually pF). gl_abs : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Absolute leakage conductance (usually nS). r_axial : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Axial resistance (usually Ohm * cm). v_rest : ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity, optional Resting membrane voltage. scale_factor : float, optional A global area scale factor, by default ``1.0``. spine_factor : float, optional A dendritic area scale factor to account for spines, by default ``1.0``. """ DEFAULT_PARAMS = { "E_AMPA": 0 * mV, "E_NMDA": 0 * mV, "E_GABA": -80 * mV, "E_Na": 70 * mV, "E_K": -89 * mV, "E_Ca": 136 * mV, "Mg_con": 1.0, "Alpha_NMDA": 0.062, "Beta_NMDA": 3.57, "Gamma_NMDA": 0 } def __init__( self, name: Optional[str] = None, length: Optional[Quantity] = None, diameter: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl: Optional[Quantity] = None, cm_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, gl_abs: Optional[Quantity] = None, r_axial: Optional[Quantity] = None, v_rest: Optional[Quantity] = None, scale_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0, spine_factor: Optional[float] = 1.0 ): = name self.length = length self.diameter = diameter = cm = gl self.cm_abs = cm_abs self.gl_abs = gl_abs self.r_axial = r_axial self.v_rest = v_rest self.scale_factor = scale_factor if not any([cm_abs, gl_abs]) else None self.spine_factor = spine_factor if not any([cm_abs, gl_abs]) else None self._dimensionless = bool(any([cm_abs, gl_abs])) self._check_dimensionless() def __str__(self): attrs = pp.pformat(self.__dict__) txt = (f"OBJECT:\n{self.__class__}\n\n" f"ATTRIBUTES:\n{attrs}" ) return txt def _check_dimensionless(self): """ Ensure that no redundant parameters are provided when a dimensionless compartment is created (i.e., when absolute values of capacitance and leakage conductance are provided). """ not_dimensionless = [self.length, self.diameter,,, self.r_axial] if self._dimensionless and any(not_dimensionless): raise DimensionlessCompartmentError( ("\nRedundant or incompatible parameters were detected " f"during \nthe initialization of '{}'. " "When absolute values of \ncapacitance [cm_abs] or leakage " "conductance [gl_abs] are \nused, a dimensionless " "compartment is created by default. \nTo resolve this error, " "you can perform one of the following:\n\n" "1. Discard these parameters [length, diameter, cm," "gl, r_axial]\n if you want to create a dimensionless " "compartment.\n\n" "2. Discard these parameters [cm_abs, gl_abs] if you want to\n" " create a compartment with physical dimensions." ) ) @property def _total_area_factor(self) -> float | None: """ The total surface are factor. Returns ------- float """ if self._dimensionless: return None return self.scale_factor * self.spine_factor @property def area(self) -> Quantity | None: """ Returns compartment's surface area (open cylinder) based on its length and diameter. Returns ------- ~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity A compartment's surface area """ if self._dimensionless: logger.warning( "Surface area is not defined for the dimensionless " "compartment: '%s'\nReturning None instead.", ) return None try: return pi * self.length * self.diameter * self._total_area_factor except TypeError: logger.warning( "Missing parameters [length | diameter] for '%s'." "\nCould not calculate the area of '%s', returned None.",, ) return None @property def capacitance(self) -> Quantity | None: """ Returns a compartment's capacitance based on its specific capacitance (cm) and surface area. If an absolute capacitance (cm_abs) has been provided by the user, it returns this value instead. Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ if self._dimensionless: if self.cm_abs: return self.cm_abs logger.warning( "Missing parameter [cm_abs] for '%s', returned None.", ) return None try: return self.area * except TypeError: logger.warning( "Could not calculate the [capacitance] of '%s', returned None.", ) return None @property def g_leakage(self) -> Quantity | None: """ Returns a compartment's absolute leakage conductance based on its specific leakage conductance (gl) and surface area. If an absolute leakage conductance (gl_abs) has been provided by the user, it returns this value instead. Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ if self._dimensionless: if self.gl_abs: return self.gl_abs logger.warning( "Missing parameter [gl_abs] for '%s', returned None.", ) return None try: return self.area * except TypeError: logger.warning( "Could not calculate the [g_leakage] of '%s', returned None.", ) return None @property def parameters(self) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary of all the major electrophysiological parameters that describe a single compartment. Returns ------- dict """ d_out = {} for value, var in zip([self.v_rest, self.capacitance, self.g_leakage], ['EL', 'C', 'gL']): if value: if d_out[f"{var}_{}"] = value else: d_out[f"{var}"] = value else: logger.error( "Could not resolve [%s_%s] for '%s'.", var,, ) d_out.update(self.DEFAULT_PARAMS) return d_out @property def g_cylinder(self) -> Quantity | None: """ The conductance (of coupling currents) passing through a cylindrical compartment based on its dimensions and its axial resistance. To be used when then the total number of compartments is low and the adjacent-to-soma compartments are highly coupled with the soma. Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ if self._dimensionless: raise DimensionlessCompartmentError( f"Calculating [g_cylinder] is invalid for '{}', since\n" "it is a dimensionless compartment. To connect two dimensionless" " compartments, an exact \nvalue for g_couple must be provided." ) try: ri = (4*self.r_axial*self.length) / (pi*self.diameter**2) except TypeError: logger.warning( "Could not calculate [g_cylinder] for '%s'.\n" "Please make sure that [length, diameter, r_axial]\n" "are available.", ) return None return 1/ri
[docs] @staticmethod def g_couple(comp1: EphysProperties, comp2: EphysProperties) -> Quantity | None: """ The conductance (of coupling currents) between the centers of two adjacent cylindrical compartments, based on their dimensions and the axial resistance. Parameters ---------- comp1 : EphysProperties An EphysProperties object comp2 : EphysProperties An EphysProperties object Returns ------- :class:`~brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Quantity` """ if any([comp1._dimensionless, comp2._dimensionless]): raise DimensionlessCompartmentError( ("Cannot automatically calculate the coupling \nconductance of " "dimensionless compartments. To resolve this error, perform\n" "one of the following:\n\n" f"1. Provide [length, diameter, r_axial] for both '{}'" f" and '{}'.\n\n" f"2. Turn both compartment into dimensionless by providing only" " values for \n [cm_abs, gl_abs] and then connect them using " "an exact coupling conductance." ) ) try: r1 = (4 * comp1.r_axial * comp1.length) / (pi * comp1.diameter**2) r2 = (4 * comp2.r_axial * comp2.length) / (pi * comp2.diameter**2) ri = (r1+r2) / 2 except TypeError: logger.error( "Could not calculate the g_couple for '%s' and '%s'.\n" "Please make sure that [length, diameter, r_axial] are\n" "available for both compartments.",, ) return None return 1/ri